How does the sun make you feel?

Cassandra Kamberi
3 min readFeb 18, 2022


Today I looked up and saw the moon brightening up part of the sky and all of the clouds moving past it.

Even when clouds cover it completely, the moon still has a way of emanating its light through them. In a weird way, you know it’s there even when it’s hidden.

Photo by Johnny Kaufman on Unsplash

How does the moon make you feel?

“A special tranquility. I look at it and I feel like it can guide me through a forest at night. When I look up, the moon reminds me that darkness isn’t always scary. Every shape of the cycle reminds me that something beautiful is coming, without making me wait. The moon makes me feel that even when everyone goes to sleep, even when no one is around, someone can still listen to me sing, and smile back at me with light.”

What about the sun? How does the sun make you feel?

“The sun… The sun is a different story. Sun reminds me of my dreams. It wakes me up with both a hug and a big slap of energy. It’s as if I can sometimes hear it telling me “Come on!! Wake up!!!! You have so much you want to do!” The sun doesn’t force me into doing what I hate to do. It just reminds me of what I want to do, what my heart craves. The sun warms me up like the hug of my mother. It reminds me of how I can be strong. It also has mercy on me sometimes. It touches me softly and tells me that it’s okay if I want to sleep on my balcony, in the middle of the day, with a sweet song in the background and its warmth in my heart.”

Which one is better? The moon, or the sun?

“But how can I compare? The sun knows how to keep me warm, but the moon reminds me how warmth comes from inside of me — perhaps with a smile and a gentle song. The sun is my best friend — it shows me all I can be. And the moon is my sister — it loves me for all that I am. The sun sends me light through the day, and the moon sends me light through the night. Without the sun, there is no day, and without the moon, there is no one to talk to at night. How can I compare?”

How can I compare when both are so beautifully different? How can I compare the sun and the moon?

How can I compare two that are so uniquely special? How can I compare, when they were both made for a different reason? How can I compare when nothing about them was created to be comparable?

How can I compare you, to him? How can I compare myself, to her? But most importantly…

…why would I want to?



Cassandra Kamberi

Just a Psychology student, writing about what I love the most!